Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), also known as Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), is a way to address hormone imbalances and fluctuations. This form of hormone therapy is effective for both men and women, as hormones play an important role for many body functions.
Decreasing Muscle Mass
Erectile Dysfunction
Low Libido / Decreased Sex Drive
Mood / Depression / Anxiety / Irritability
High Cholesterol
Elevated Blood Sugar / Insulin Resistance
Hot Flashes and/or Night Sweats
Mood Swings / Anxiety / Depression / Irritability
Low Libido / Decreased Sex Drive
Weight Gain or Difficulty Losing Weight
Vaginal Dryness / Discomfort During Intercourse
Brain Fog
Thyroid Disorders
Frequent or Chronic Fatigue
Blood Sugar Regulation Concerns / Insulin Resistance
Bio-identical hormones are hormones created in a lab from plant estrogens, and are chemically identical to the functional hormones found in the human body.
The most commonly used HRT hormones replicated are testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.
Bio-identical hormone therapy is a safe way to replace depleted functional hormones, and help patients feel younger and increase health without causing negative health effects.
The first step is to determine if you’re a candidate for hormone therapy.
When you call, we’ll set up a phone consultation with our Nurse Practitioner. Before that telemedicine call, we will have you complete a brief health history and hormone health questionnaire, to determine if the next steps with BHRT are appropriate for you.
If so, we will order a full functional and hormone lab panel, and schedule the lab draw in our office.
If our consultation and review of health history determine you could be a good candidate for BHRT, the next step will be setting up a blood draw for Well Infused's customized 72+ marker lab panel
Once the results of your labs and interpretation are complete, an in-office visit with your Nurse Practitioner will be scheduled to review those findings. Best next steps and customized options will be discussed.
If BHRT is the best next step, often a simple 10-minute procedure will be done same-day to begin the journey of optimizing your hormones. This most often involves the insertion of bioidentical hormone pellets into the fat tissue of the lower back / flank or gluteal area. For some clients, home injections are selected as method of treatment. In all cases, nutritional recommendations will be made to help you get the best results.
Well Infused Franchise, LLC
30 N Gould St Ste R
Sheridan, WY 82801
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