When you start the 4 Week Feel Good Challenge:
1. Free Consultation with our team to make sure we're a fit for your goals.
2. Free IV voucher when you start the challenge.
3. Hand Held Guidance from our Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurses at Well Infused.
4. Personalized IV Nutrition week by week.
Disclaimer: The 4 Week Feel Good Challenge includes 4 personalized IVs. When you start the challenge, you'll purchase 3 at a discounted rate and get your 4th IV Free!
Why 4 Weeks? What's In It For Me?
If you are taking supplements, medication, or changing your routines to keep up with your aches, pains, and fatigue then nothing boosts your body faster than 4 Weeks of personalized IVs.
We've been helping Hamilton County residents live healthier lives for 20 years... but 20 years ago, this tech simply didn't exist! We’ve created this 4 Week Feel Good Program to make it as easy and predictable as ever to get results.
By having 4 consistent IVs catered to your specific needs, your body will be flooded with everything it needs to heal naturally!
Our 4 Week Feel Good Challenge Can Help:
Low Energy
Brain Fog
Joint Pain and Inflammation
Low Focus
Chronic Dehydration
Numbness and Tingling
Ulcerative Colitis
Acid Reflux
Indigestion and Bloating
Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal Sickness and Bugs
Immune System Issues
Most people try to eat healthy, avoid too much caffeine or energy drinks, and get a good routine but...
They STILL don't feel good!
This is because years of health habits have compounded on your body and your body can't get the full effects of the healthy habits you do.
IV Nutrition boosts every cell in body and gives you the jumpstart you need to start feeling and looking great again.
When we added IV to our office the results blew us away. Suddenly, our clients had insanely high energy, great moods, and momentum in their activities.
We thought it was just a coincidence, but week after week when they came back for their IV, they just kept getting better!
Click the button below and speak with one of our nurses and make sure we're a great fit for our 4 Week Feel Good Challenge, Powered by IV Nutrition!
IV therapy is commonly used to boost energy, improve concentration (such as studying, sport preps or other mental activities), reduce stress and anxiety, recover from hangovers, enhance athletic performance, hydrate your body, provide general wellness supplements like Vitamin C and Zinc plus much more.
IV therapy can also be used for IV nutrient therapy targeting specific health concerns.
We take the guesswork out of selecting an IV. We have custom formulas for our IV bags for each almost any health concern. These can be customized based on functional lab work, specific illnesses or health conditions, or based on health improvement goals. Share with us what effects are most important to you, and we’ll mix the ingredients that will support you best.
When you share your goals during your initial consultation, we'll prep your first customized bag. Then week after week we change and adapt as you improve. Check out some of our custom protocols below:
Well Infused was created to fill a need in services that we wanted easier access to personally, but that we also wanted to make more accessible to our clients.
Our goal is to live as close to our 100% as possible, and as the years progress, that means more services that slow the aging process and add life to our years.
IV Nutrition Therapy allows us to give your body natural treatments to heal from the inside.
We provide for the most comprehensive and therapeutic experience for each client .